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Writer's picture: Li MaLi Ma

中国旅美科技学会圣地亚哥分会(Chinese Association of Science and Technology, San Diego, CAST-SD)是一个致力于促进中美科学技术合作的非政治,非盈利性组织。会员主要来自高科技企业的技术骨干,创业公司精英,以及在校大学研究生。自从COVID-19疫情爆发以来,继科协会员在会长周俊英的带领下积极筹备捐款及捐赠医用防护物资等事宜。截止发稿时,科协共捐赠了超过四万件的医疗物资和防护用品给当地的医院、医疗护理中心、警察局、老年社区以及滞留美国的大学学生社群,为当地奋战一线的医护人员尽一份绵薄之力。

继前两次科协给20家以上的当地医疗机构和社区捐赠口罩,呼吸机等防护用品以来。 4月28日,科协又一次成功筹到医护急需的1万只外科口罩,1500个手术帽,和500件隔离衣。在义工的帮助下,所有物资都及时捐赠给了Scripps Encinitas, Scripps Mercy Hospital, Neighborhood Health Center, Family Health Care Centers, Lil Jackson Senior Community, Villa Rancho Bernardo, San Diego Post Acute, Golden Hill/Windsor Garden, Reo Vista Healthcare Center, Bradley Court/Lakeside Special Care Center, Claremont Healthcare, Villa Las Palmas, La Mesa Healthcare Center, Arbor Hills, Avocado Post Acute, Country Manor, Country Hill Health Center等20来家医疗机构以及Nursing homes, 解决了物资短缺的问题,有效的保护了当地医生和弱势群体。


捐款方式: payPal/Zelle:

联系人: 周俊英


Chinese Association for Science and Technology - San Diego ( CAST-SD) is a non-profit organization which dedicates to serve as a “bridge” between the United States and China for both information exchanges, cooperation in science and technology. The members are mainly from the technical background of high-tech companies, the elite of startup companies, and graduate students. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, as of press time, CAST-SD has donated more than 40,000 pcs of PPE to local hospitals, medical care centers, police stations, senior communities, and college students.

Following the previous two donations to more than 20 local medical centers and communities. On April 28, CAST-SD successfully raised 10,000 surgical masks, 1,500 surgical caps, and 500 isolation gowns which were urgently needed for frontline health professionals. . With the help of volunteers, all materials were donated to Scripps Encinitas, Scripps Mercy Hospital, Neighborhood Health Center, Family Health Care Centers, Lil Jackson Senior Community, Villa Rancho Bernardo, San Diego Post Acute, Golden Hill/Windsor Garden, Reo Vista Healthcare Center, Bradley Court/Lakeside Special Care Center, Claremont Healthcare, Villa Las Palmas, La Mesa Healthcare Center, Arbor Hills, Avocado Post Acute,Country Manor Health Care Center, and Country Hill Health Center etc. Help protect local health professionals and vulnerable groups.

With the gradual opening of stay home order, the members of CAST-SD understood that as long as the pandemic remained, their fundraising would not end. CAST-SD promises to seek more resources to help the local community. By helping to fight the epidemic, CAST-SD has established a good image for our Chinese in American community. A number of local media also made corresponding reports on the fundraising of CAST-Sd. As A Chinese American in San Diego, we thank CAST-SD for its efforts. Finally, if you also want to contribute, you can donate by payPal or Zelle as follows, or as a volunteer to help our community.

Donation methold: payPal/Zelle:

Contact: Junying Zhou


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