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11/16/2019, 12/07/2019, 01/11/2020
Grace Academy, San Diego, CA

The Career Development Workshop is organized by CAST-SD. We invite Elaine Kung, the Board Director of CEO Global Consulting, to give us the training of career development for professionals.  Click here for more details.

Section 1:

时间:11/16/19 Saturday 9:30am-­‐12:30pm

地点:Grace Academy

10890 Thornmint Road, #200,San Diego, CA 92127

Topics:Modules 1 & 2

Section 2:

时间:12/07/19 Saturday 9:30am-­‐12:30pm

地点:Grace Academy

10890 Thornmint Road, #200,San Diego, CA 92127

Topics:Modules 3 & 4

Section 3:

时间:01/11/20 Saturday 9:30am-­‐12:30pm

地点:Grace Academy

10890 Thornmint Road, #200,San Diego, CA 92127

Topics:Modules 5 & 6

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